School club 2008/2009
The founder /
Principalship / Organisation of the school year /
Organisation of the educational activities /
School canteen / School club /Spare-time
Activities of the school club - basic department
Our school club works at the Elementary School in Ožďany. We have two departments with 41 pupils altogether. The club fee is 50,- Sk per month. The activities of the school club are colourful and always acompanied by good mood, laughter and optimism. They are always adopted to the conditions at school and adequate to the age of children, therefore in the 1st department there are children from the 1st and 2nd forms with Ms. Horváthová. In the 2nd department there are pupils of 3rd and 4th forms with Bc. Markotánová. When choosing the activities we always consider the needs of chidren and their interests. They are diferentiated according to seasons. Amongst the first ones is the welcoming of new first year pupils and also the competition for the nicest pumpkin light or the "Give me a hand" programme that is prepared for the old people in the Retirement Home in Sušany. This year we are going to prepare a programme for the pupils of our school called "Snow flake" - a show of carols and wishes and after that we will have fun at a disco. We will also prepare some refreshment and in a good mood we will all leave for the Christmas holidays.
In 2009 there will be a St. Valentines Day in the club, a carneval, Easter arrangements, Mother´s Day and Children´s Day. There are much more activities that we will do and all of them have a meaning. Therefore children like comming to the School Club.
Activities of the club are aimed mainly at the regeneration of physical a psychical health, preparing for lessons and colourful free time activities We teach children to relax and recreate their energy so that it corresponds with the health and hygienic rules of alternation of work and relax. With this we contribute to eliminating the tiredness of previous school work. We teach them to have fun, to cultivate and dvelop their cultural needs and different interests. One of the important activities is preparation for the lessons and within this help children to "learn to learn". Our aim is to form their selfesteem, selfcontroll, development of their immagination and desire to discover new things and aquire practical experience that in a great degree form attitudes of pupils. T
Main tasks:
attract pupils to come to the School Club in an interesting way
decorate the environment of the club in a nice way and through this lead children to creativity, make different displays and decorations according to seasons
in each activity pay great attention to educational tasks
pay a great attention to pupils needing individual care or pupils from not stimulating background or socio-economically disadvantaged background.
organize different shows with parental attendance in different seasons and present the national culture and traditions and strengthen the respect for mother tongue and homeland.
concentrate on the education in general - in relation between children and adults or children and children, eliminate agressive behaviour and support selfcontrol.
Activities of the School Club
Our club during free time activities produces different things made of natural materials. Amongst those were animals and characters made of conkers. Some of the children were more skilled, some less, but everybody was eager to make something.
©"Aktualizované" dňa
17. 11. 2008