Founder of the school 2008/2009
The Commune of Ožďany is the founder of the school from the 1, July, 2002.
The founder /
Principalship / Organisation of the school year /
Organisation of the educational activities /
School canteen / School club /Spare-time
History of Ožďany
The village of Ožďany today is quite big and modern village. Its origin comes from the distant past, what is proved by the archeological excavations. The last of them were done in 1997. The village has a rich history in which an important role is played by the history of the school.
There is no legend talking about the origin of Ožďany, the date and reason of the establishment is unknown.
During the period of West Roman Empire the village was known under the name Oppidum.
The present location is not the original. The village was located under the steep slope of the hill Býk and its original area is clearly imaginable even today. The whole slope is planted with fruit trees and the basements of some buildings are still visible. Under the hill there are seven lime trees on a place, where it is said the church was located. A big storm destroyed the village and this disaster drew the inhabittants´ attention to the disadvantegous location of the village (steep slope - floods). As the new location the village of Šarampó was chosen under the present-day castle. Šarampó perished. Today one street of the village (Šarampó) keeps the memory of the original settlement.
The local castle was built as a fortress by the Bakoš family. It remembers Tatar raids, Turkish wars and also Hungarian uprisings against the Habsburgs. From 1452 to 1460 the castle belonged to Jan Jiskra from Brandýs.
When in 1664 Štefan Bočkay set out in name of freedom of religion, the Imperial Court sent against him a great army led by Juraj Bašta. As the rebels in Ožďany did not give up after the alert, they were attacked and on the 18th, November 1664 Ožďany was conquerred. All the rebels were killed and their leader, Blažej Némethy, was to Bašta´s order brutally put to death.
On the 27th, September 1678 Ožďany was attacked by troops of rebels against the Habsburgs led by Imrich Tököly. Tököly conquerred Ožďany and Fiľakovo in 1681.
In 1703 the owner of the castle, Žigmund Géczy joined Františeki Rákóczy, later also Ján Korponay, the husband of Juliana Géczy, "the hunt of Levoča".
The building of the present-day Evangelical church was started in 1803, but it was finished and consecrated only in 1923. The Evangelical Church was established in 1545, when the landlord Bakoš , owner of the Ožďany castle, converted to Evangelical religion and with him the whole village did so. The Roman - Catholic church was built in 1747 with the help of Mária Terézia. In the crypt in front of the altar the ancestors of the Lužinsky family are burried.
For a long time there existed in Ožďany a secondary school, that is the predecessor of the present-day Grammar school in Rimavská Sobota. This school, called lyceum, was founded by the landlord, Gabriel Bakoš, who transferred the school from Fiľakovo to Ožďany in 1643 and placed it in his castle. Later he had a new building constructed for the grammar school under the castle. The lyceum was very important not only for the region of Malohont, but also for the regions of Novohrad and Turiec. It survived Turkish wars and Hungarian struggles against the Habsburgs and it existed until 1853, when it was joint to the Calvinist Grammar school in Rimavská Sobota.
History of the castle in Ožďany.
On the way from Lučenec to Rimavská Sobota, in Ožďany, there is a castle that deserves mentioning for several reasons. The originally renaissance multi-storey castle was built on a hill in the first half of the 17th century, on a place where an older castle had been standing, probably from the beginning of the 14th century, which had been burnt down by the Imperial army in 1604. The remains of the gothic castle became part of the new castle with the ground plan in the form of irregular quadrangle. Its wings have different lengths – the frontal south-west wing is slightly externally twisted, the opposite one only partially (completed a wall with a gate leading to the courtyard). The entrance of the castle is not in the centre line, but in the left part of the front wing. In the middle of the 18th century the castle was rebuilt and the facades of the four turrets were redone. Several archs were added to the wings, in the corner of the courtyard a staircase was built, so the castle had except the staircase in the north-west wing another one in the south corner and next to the eastern turret. The biggest change was brought by the rebuilding of the facade. The entrance was emphasized by the attached side filling of the piastres with converted columns. On top of their richly decorated cornice heads there is surbased arch in the highth of the roof cornice. In the right part of the building face later a balcony was built standing on four columns, that was ment to compensate the great architectonic emphasis on the portal.
In the park belonging to the castle a classicistic pavilion was built and in the first half of the 19th century an empiric building was built in the form of a greek temple in antis. Smaller repairs made on the castle did not bring big changes and it was lived in until the II. World War. It was badly damaged in 1945 by direct hits. It was saved by a temporary reconstruction between 1951 and 1953 (in the place of one of the turrets a square tower was built and the roof was repaired).
An important event for the village of Ožďany was building a by-pass road around it, by which the transport can leave out the serpentine road near Ožďany. It was very dangerous especially in winter when it was often blocked and also the inhabitants of the village and their houses suffered from the heavy traffic going through the village. Teachers had to take pupils through the street after lessons to be sure, they safely crossed the street and everybody was often in danger because of cars going very fast. Therefore everybody is relieved after the by-pass road was opened on 1 December 2006.
Monday 4 December 2006 was the big day of the official opening of the by-pass road. Representatives of the state came and our children sang some songs dressed in folk costumes and we all waved to the first cars going on the new road. The whole village was relieved, it has been quiet since then and we do not see many cars since then. We hope that the new road will be a safe one for the drivers.
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24. 11. 2008