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The School Canteen 2008/2009


 The founder / Principalship / Organisation of the school year / Organisation of the educational activities / School canteen / School club /Spare-time activities

The school canteen is part of the Elementary school in Ožďany

Canteen supervisor:     Marieta Cibuľová - part time

Cooks:                               Zuzana Dóšová - full time

                                             Anna Malatincová -full time


príprava jedál     nová umývačka riadu


Number of diners:           pupils: 117

                                            employees : 25

                                            other diners: 0

Costs of a lunch: 56 Sk

Price of lunch vouchers : 1.grade: 25,00 Sk

                                            2. grade: 27,00 Sk

                                            Employees: 22,00 Sk

                                            Other employees: 56,00 Sk

Lunch times:                  main canteen: from 10.45 to 13.15  for pupils and employees

                                           back canteen: from 11.00 to 12.00 for other diners


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©"Aktualizované" dňa 04. 11. 2008