rasliny v okolí ožďanského rybníka

Projects          2008/2009


Projects set up a and carried out in school year 2008/2009.


a)  Enviroproject– cordinator Mgr. Natália Nôtová. We got the project at the end of 2006/07 school year, we continue with the activities in an environmental group.   We use the acquired equipment during lessons and for free time activities.In this school year we won this project for the second time and we have been working on it hard since September 2008.

b)      Language Laboratory coordinator Mgr. Judita Hercegová. We acquired a fully equipped language laboratory in the 2006/2007school year. We continue the project with activities in the laboratory.

c)      Open School-Sport coordinator Mgr. Alica Kubelková. We got it in the school year 2004/2005 a 2006/2007. We improved the playground equipment and founded a number of sport groups.  First time we used the grant to finish the playground(fencing) and for the planned sport activities. Next time we got grant for buying sports equipment to carry out the planned sport activities. Not only pupils of the school but also parents and members of local community were involved in these activities.

d)      Internet Library coordinator Mgr. Monika Kubelková, we use the acquired library for the teachers and the pupils of our school. The library is a treasure chest for us to organize interesting literary events connected with Internet reading and using a library software. You can read about events in the "News" of our school.

e)       Schools Supporting Health coordinator  Mgr. Iveta Sojková. We have been in this project for several years, every year we make a plan of activities that involves also the pupil´s council.  

g)  Projekt športové triedy - podporuje vznik športových tried a zlepšenie podmienok v        existujúcich športových triedach. V školskom roku 2008/2009 sa v našej škole zriadila športová trieda, ktorá vznikla na základe talentových skúšok. Pozostávali zo všeobecných a špecifických motorických testov. Na základe týchto testov sa vybralo 15 žiakov, ktorí spĺňali aj ďalšie kritéria- súhlas rodiča, psychologické vyšetrenie, zdravotnú spôsobilosť a vznikla tak športová trieda zameraná na futbal. V škole vyučuje telesnú výchovu p.učiteľ Mgr. Marek Valkúčák, aktívny futbalista s kvalifikáciou trénera, a preto sme to mali jednoduchšie. MŠ SR vyhlásilo k 1.9.2008 tento projekt, pripravili sme si ho , dostali sme ho a teraz ho realizujeme do 31.3.2009. Podrobnejšie na vlastnej podstránke projektu.                    


Minor projects :

 Danone Milk League – coordinator -  Alica Hrušková

Robolab – coordinator -  Mgr. Katarína Kiráľová


Aktuálne projekty v tomto roku: 

a) Enviroproject - In June 2008 our school got again a financial grant from the Ministry of Education of the Slovac Republic for an Enviroproject, this time with the topic "Getting to know the variety of species of the bioceonosi in the park of the Ožďany castle". The project is continuosly evaluated in a separate part of the web site continuing from last year.

b) "Schools Supporting Health" Project .

The coordinator of the project Mgr. Iveta Sojková cooperating with the pupils´ assembly organizes different internal activities. Within this project we have for the 3rd time joined The Milk League in which Danone brings different diary products and children can buy them for good prices and 0,5 Sk from each product goes to our school - every end of school year Danone gives us sports equipment for the money(7000, 6500, 5000 different amount every year). There was an activity for the pupils - Drugs? No! - drawing on the pavement in front of the Municipal Office.

Halloween party, competitition for the most beautiful pumpkin light

Quiz "Live with the nature, do not take drugs" for the 2nd form

Santa Claus programme at school - showing a film

Christmas tree - an entertaining show

Valentine´s Day – competitions and games

Hyperikum – 1. place

Organizing school trips, arranging the surroundings of the school and the wallparpers at school.

Football cup "The Headmaster´s Cup"



 Danone Milk League - for the diary product sold we get sport equipment for a certain amount and what is more - children eat healthy diary products.

Robolab- we have been in this project for the 3-th year. We got it through Infovek, we took part in a course and now children make different products, programme them through computers using picture programming and then transmit it to the RCX cube, that is part of the model. We also use the models in lessons. 


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©"Aktualizované" dňa 22. 03. 2009
Vargicová, vzelka@centrum.sk