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Spare time activities 2007/2008

The founder / Principalship / Organisation of the school year / Organisation of the educational activities / School canteen / School club /Spare-time activities

            In the school year 2006/2007 there will be the following spare time groups working for educational vouchers:


1.English language  :               1st form,  Mgr. Iveta Sojková,

2. Computers for 3rd and 4th forms : Mgr. Elena Sélešová

3. Sports for 1st grade :        Mgr. Alica Kubelková

4. Project Comenius for 2nd grade :          Mgr. Judita Hercegová

5. Enviroproject for 2nd grade :                   Mgr. Natália Nôtová

6. German language for 2nd grade:  Mgr. Henrieta Bálintová           

7. Table tennis for 2nd grade :  Mgr. Vlasta Šinglárová

8. Computers for 2nd grade:       Ivana Chromková, Teledom lecturer

9. Robo-lab 2nd grade :                         Mgr. Katarína Kiráľová

10. Digital photography for 2nd grade :         Mgr. Želmíra Vargicová

11. Folk song group                                            Ľubica Markotánová

12. First aid group                                                Ľubica Markotánová

13. French (Russian) language    vedúca Mgr. Viera Kišpatková

14. Ball games for girls 5th – 6th form         Mgr. Milada Valková

15. Chess for 2nd grade                                 Mgr. Dušan Sýkora

          Spare time activities in the School club.

1. Department for  1st and 2nd forms :                               Ľubica Markotánová

2. Department for 3rd and 4th forms :                               Csilla Horváthová                 




            For each olimpiad the teachers will prepare the pupils. We will take part in the following ones:

a)      Physics –  Mgr. Katarína Kiráľová

b)      Maths + Pythagoriad –  Mgr. Soňa Kováčová, Mgr. Želmíra Vargicová, Mgr. Elena Sélešová. Mgr. Katarína Királová

c)      English –  Mgr. Judita Hercegová, Mgr. Natália Nôtová

d)     Chemistry –  Mgr. Natália Nôtová

e)      Natural history – Mgr. Natália Nôtová

f)       Geography – zodpovedná Mgr. Vlasta Šinglárová, Mgr. Elena Sélešová

Responsible for all sports competitions are Mgr. Vlasta Šinglárová and Mgr. Alica Kubelková, for music competitions Mgr. Iveta Sojková, for art competitions Mgr. Soňa Kováčová, for literary competitions Mgr. Henrieta Bálintová and Mgr. Monika Kubelková.

This school year we are going to organize a School Academy. In June 2007 there will be the dress rehearsal and in September the  premiere in front of our foreign members taking part in the project meeting at that time. Coordinators will be Mgr. Monika Kubelková, Mgr. Judita Hercegová and Mgr. Iveta Sojková.


   Group work: 


Name: English language for the 1st grade

Leaders:  Mgr. Iveta Sojková and Mgr. Henrieta Boršošová

Number of members: 12 +10

 Activities :

          This is a group for 1st form pupils. We meet twice a week if it is possible. The work is aimed at acquirring basic English language skills. Children communicate through pictures, learn English songs, learn basic vocabulary. They get ready for the obligatory language lessons from the 3rd form.


Name of the group: Computers for 1st form.

Leader: Mgr. Elena Sélešová

Number of members: 10


            This group is for first grade pupils. There are pupils of the 3rd and 4th forms iín it. They meet twice a week. The aim of it is to improve computer skills of pupils already on the first grade. Pupils will in an interesting way during the whole school year  learn to work with  Windows XP. They will learn to use Paint,  Word, Excel, Power Point. At the end they will learn how to use the Internet. Except all this they will use different CDs through which they will practice parts of knowledge they learn in Maths or other lessons. After the well carried out work their reward will be some nice computer games suitable for children of their age.


Name of the group: Sports and games for the 1st grade

Leader: Mgr. Alica Kubelková

Number of members: 21


     Activities of the group are aimed at developing of general physical development of pupils through games. Pupils improve their physical abilities, speed, flexibility in a funny way. They do summer or winter games, with or without a ball.

Name of the group: Group for readers and literary activities.

Leader: Mgr. Monika Kubelková


    Activities of this group are aimed at work in the new internet library, work with literary texts, discussions about books or practicing small drama performances.


Name of the group: Environmental group

Leader :Mgr.  Natália Nôtová

Number of members : 10


     Members of the group meet weekly, mostly on Fridays from 13 : 00 to 15 : 00. Activities are aimed at development of enviromnental feeling of childre. During walks in the countryside they get to know the biodiversity of the fauna and flora of the closest region, they monitor appearance and nests of storks /Little Stork Activity/, they visit Ekorelax   Rim. Sobota and have the possibility of seeing exotic animals and their lives. The members take care of a 150 l aquarium on in the corridor of the school. During the meetings they work on the Internet and solve tasks of the "Corresponding school of ecology" organized by OZ Tatry, pupils prepare for natural history competitions. Work of the group also includes taking care of the environment of the school - flowers, Christmas decoration and others.We do not forget about protecting health, giving first aid and drug prevention. In this school year we will fulfill tasks of Enviroproject that we have won for Monitoring the zoocenosis of Ožďany pond and evaluating the water pollution by invertebrates. 


Name of the group :German language group

Leader : Mgr. Henrieta Bálintová

Number of members : 18    

Activities :

A modern person cannot survive without knowledge of foreign languages. The aim of the group is to teach basic grammar of German language and to teach basic conversation. All texts and exercises are aimed at the active part of pupils in learning, for example completing texts, question forming and sentences, learning words in their context, which means by forming short sentences, listening exercises aimed at correct  pronunciation and understanding and others.

In everyday life we are often forced to give our own opinion, to agree or disagree or to react in an unexpected situation - this all pupils should be able to do at least on a basic level.


Name of the group: Table tennis

Leader: Mgr Vlasta Šinglárová

Number of members: 11


     In this group pupils step by step learn theory of table tennis as well as they practice it. At the same time they practice for the county tournament of teams and individuals. During the school year we organize school competitions and tournaments between classes. .


Name of the group: Computer group for the 2nd grade

Leader: Ivana Chromková

Number of members: 5 groups with 8 members each


            This is a group for 2nd form pupils. There are pupils of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th form. Every day a group of 10 children work in it.

Every day there are different children in the group. Through activities they improve their computer skills and we continue in the work started on the 1st form. During the school year they learn how to work with Windows XP  - to make, copy, move and delete files, to describe windows, to name different pannels and to work with discs. Then they work with the Internet Explorer and with Microsoft Office programmes. After the work done they can play games or surf on the Internet.


Name of the group: debrujars – entertaining physics for the 2nd grade

Leader: Mgr. Katarína Kiráľová

Number of members: 10


     Within the Infovek project our school acquired two RoboLab sets. We attended courses and in September 2005 we started working with our pupils. We learned to make basic models, in the computer we programme the activities of the models and with the help of the "tower" we transmit the programme to the RXC cube, which is part of the model. The model then can be controlled by a remote controll and it then does what we have programmed it to do. Pupils show their work in the show case every week on the school corridor and their sometimes show their actions. In the next school year they will do their own models and they will be able to take part in competitions. Within the group we will also do physical experiments in an entertaining way. 


Name of the group:  Digital photography.

Leader: Mgr. Želmíra Vargicová

Number of members: 10


Members of the group meet every Monday from 15.00 to 17.00. We bought a Zonner packet which contains a digital camera, methodology of work with the camera and a software for working with pictures. If we learn how to work well with pictures, we can take part in competitions through the Internet.






©"Aktualizované" dňa 25. 11. 2007
Vargicová, vzelka@pobox.sk