Orientation of the school


 Orientation of the school  /  Variants of the curriculum  / Our location, contacts


1. Foreign language teaching

    English - I. and II. forms optionally

          III. - IX. forma obligatory

    German - V. - IX. forms optionally

    French, Russian - can be taught according to interest in afternoon groups.

2. Introduction of the 0. form - it started through the  Phare project,we have a complete             equipment of the pupils´room and the parents´room with furniture and teaching aids; the sanitary facilities are suitable for pupils of this age. In the future it is going to work in case there will be enough pupils.


3. Participating in the international Socrates project , partnership with schools abroad -5 states.

4. A rich spare-time group activity through educational vouchers.

5. Work of  OKC IMA ( Regional coordinating centre of ideal youth activity) at our school, which has a lot of group members - pupils of our school. OKC IMA is part of IMA(Ideal youth activity) in Bratislava, which manages and financially supports it.

6. Rich sport activities    on the newly built playground through Open school - sport.

    In the summer: football, tennis, volleyball, street hockey and other not traditional sports.

    In the winter: ice rink on the playground - ice hockey, skating, cultural activities - carnival, etc.

 7. Foreign language teaching for teachers - as part of the Socrates project the teachers have the possibility to attend an English language course belonging to a language school. The course ends with a certificate.

8. Implementing teaching of computer skills into all forms.

    1. stage in optional subject and afternoon group activities and also obligatory subjects.

    2. stage  in Informational technology lessons and obligatory school subjects in the morning, groups - computer group, Robolab, krúžky - počítačový, Robolab,spare-time activities in the school club in the afternoon.

9. Organizing a School Academy  every other year, a skiing trip every other year, swimming course for young pupils every third year, dancing course  with a final "first ball" organized with the help of  Parents´ council of our school every other year.

10. Taking care of children with special educational needs. They are integrated in two special classes for children for mentally handicapped children, pupils with other handicaps are integrated in standard classes.







Š"Aktualizované" dňa 10. 11. 2006
Vargicová, vzelka@pobox.sk