Projects set up a and carried out in school year 2005/2006.
Project "Schools Supporting Health“
Head: Mgr. Sojková
Help with the realisation: all pedagogical and not pedagogical employees according to the plan
2. Project Infovek
Responsible guarantee: Mgr. Valková and Ms. Ivana Chromková, all pedagogical employees and pupils take part in the project in accordance with the planned activities.
Training centre ŠCI (Training centre of Infovek)
Within the Infovek project we in 2004/2005 became a training centre for education of teachers. Instructors accreditted are Mgr. Milada Valková and Mgr. Judita Hercegová. This year we continue training teachers of different schools.
Open School of Infovek - the field of sports.
We received this project last school year, with the cooperation of the founder of the school we finished the clay playgroun that we use in winter as an icerink - the firebrigade spread water on it. Within spare time activities there are different sport groups, we cooperate with the local Sports union, where our pupils play football.
Robo-lab project
Through Infovek we got construction kits, training for two teachers, installation programmes for programming constructed products. We have a group in which pupils work with the kits, learn to programme the products. We are still beginners, but we plan to take part in competitions in the future.
3. Socrates project
In the last school year withing the subproject of Comenius a foreign language assistan for 6 months. He was Italian and took part in English lessons and also other lessons. He was really popular with teachers and also pupils and we are still in touch with him. He taught also Italian language for those who were interested.
In this school year we are working on a Comenius 1, we have 5 partner schools - in Poland, Italy, Spain, Lattvia, Turkey. There is a separate page dedicated to the activities.
Socrates - Comenius I – European educational projects
4. "School milk ligue“project
This year it is the third time that we participate. The aim is to support consumationof diary products by our pupils - for example yoghurts. For the yoghurts consumed we twice received sports equipments for 7000 Sk that we choose.
5. PHARE – 0. form project
We have been part of this project for two years. There is a qualified 1. grade teacher in this class and also an assistent teacher. We have received equipment for the classroom, parents´room and money for the reconstruction of the sanitary facilities for children of this age. We consider this project very successful.
The 0. form is an alternative form of education of 6 year old children from socially and educationally not stimulating environment, that do not speak, or just partially, the teaching language, not prepared for school. It is also for children that were 6 years old by 1st September, but are not ready to go to 1st form of elementary school. N
- speech, language and communication skills´ development
- development of fine motorics and graphomotoric skills
- development of cognitive and psychic processes
- development of working and self-helping habits
- development of mathematical perception and counting operations
- development of esthetic - dynamic skills
- mastering the basis of reading
The 0. form is a whole day care, i. e. from 7.30 to 16.00. The basic methodical tool to reach the aims is game. The length of the teaching units are not limitted.
Our 0. form has been working according to the work plan within the project Phare SK 0002.01 Better conditions for Roma selfrealisations in education system for 2 years now, in which the content of learning of 1. form is divided into the first 2 years of schooling. The content remains unchanged and after mastering it the child is included into the regular structure of the educational system.
Pupils who started the 2005-06 school year in the preparatory form, after completing it will be able to integrate into and master the standards of the 1. form programme.
Present results prove, that creation of this preparatory 0. form brought a lot of positive results in all fields of the educational process.
7."Child´s Dream Foundation"project - Competition for the most hardworking pupil.
We have been working in this project for 2 years now. The pupils of the 1st grade compete. Every 3 months we find the pupil who improved his school results the most and he/she gets a present from the DATAR company - for example a CD player. Every time we present the results and take picture of the event.
©"Aktualizované" dňa
10. 11. 2006