novostavbe sa všetci tešíme

Organisation of the school       2007/2008  

     View of the number of pupils commuting to our school from different villages: 2007/2008

Number of pupils - 1st grade :          48

                     2nd grade :         110

                    special classes :          16       

                    Total:                 174


Number of classes :  11   /including one special class for pupils with special educational needs /

 Average number of pupils in a class :        15,8

Number of school club departments :            2           

Number of pupils in the school club :            37

Average number of pupils in a school club department:18,5                              


Employees of the school

Total number of employees :   27

Pedagogical employees:

teachers:                                  15  ( including two pastors teaching externally)

school club teachers :                      2

assistant teachers:                  3

Other employees :     4 + 3 school canteen


Organisational scheme - so called "spider" shows the competences and responsibilities of the employees.



©"Aktualizované" dňa 25. 11. 2007