rasliny v okolí ožďanského rybníka

Projects          2007/2008


Projects set up a and carried out in school year 2007/2008.


a)     Enviroproject – cordinator Mgr. Natália Nôtová, we got the project at the end of 2006/07 school year, we continue with the activities in an environmental group. The acquired  equipment we use during lessons and for free time activities.

b)      Language Laboratory coordinator Mgr. Judita Hercegová, we acquired a fully equipped language laboratory in the 2006/2007school year. We continue the project with activities in the laboratory.

c)      Open School-Sport coordinator Mgr. Alica Kubelková, we also got this project in 2006/07, we supported sport facility equipment, we formed several sport groups.

d)     Socrates – Comenius coordinator Mgr. Judita Hercegová, we have been working in the project for the 3rd year now. It has its own site.

e)      Internet Library coordinator Mgr. Monika Kubelková, we use the acquired library for the teachers and the pupils of our school.

f)       Schools Supporting Health coordinator  Mgr. Iveta Sojková                        


Minor projects :

 Danone Milk League – coordinator Alica Hrušková

Competition for the most hard working little pupil – coordinator  Mgr. Elena Sélešová

Robolab – coordinator  Mgr. Katarína Kiráľová


a) Enviroproject - we got it from the Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic for the realisation of "Getting to know the animal community of Ožďany pond and evaluation of water pollution by means of invertebrates". The project is continuosly evaluated in a separate part of the web site z minulého školského roka.  

b) Language Laboratory - we got it this year. The main idea is equiping a language laboratory and doing different planned activities during the lessons and also apart from the teaching time, withe pupils, teachers and members of the community. This project has a separate part in this web site in the part called Projects.

c) Open School - Sport - we got this project for the second time. First time for the finishing of the school playground (fencing) and for planned sport activities. This year we got it to buy sports equipment that we will use to carry out several planned activities. Except our pupils parents and members of the community participate in this project.

d)  Project Socrates – Comenius we started it from September 2005, when we together with partner schools in Italy, Poland, Latvia, Spain and Turkey started to make first official contacts. The main idea of this project is getting to know the traditions, customs and culture of certain regions within Europe. In the first year the main aim was presenting our partners with the closest environment of the schools and in the following two years we will move to the culture, customs and traditions of the countries. We tried to involve as many pupils as possible, we took pictures of the school and its surroundings, prepared a PowerPoint presentation, films about Christmas traditions (we bought a dvd camera), we recorded a folk song, prepared a dance manual and a folk dance show. In the first year we participated two project meetings - in Sasso di Castalda in Italy(headmistress and coordinator) where the plan of activities was made, we exchanged our flags and folk dolls in typical folk costumes. The second meeting took place in May  2006 in Ankara, Turkey where two teachers and four pupils participated. Pupils from all partner schools participated in a folk dance show, they stayed with Turkish families and experienced the life of children in Turkey, learnt about their culture and history. 

We are in the 3 -th year of this project and a separate part of this web site is devoted to it.

e) Internet Library - we got money to equip it.   The library of our school is a literary thesaurus for organizing interesting literary activities coonected with reading through the Internet and using a library software. Details about the activities  is continuously published in the News, Hot line part of this site.

 f) "Schools Supporting Health" Project .

The coordinator of the project Mgr. Iveta Sojková cooperating with the pupils´ assembly organizes different internal activities. Within this project we have for the 3rd time joined The Milk League in which Danone brings different diary products and children can buy them for good prices and 0,5 Sk from each product goes to our school - every end of school year Danone gives us sports equipment for the money(7000, 6500, 5000 different amount every year). There was and activity form the pupils - Drugs no! - drawing on the pavement in front of the Municipal Office.

Halloween party, competitition for the most beautiful pumpkin

Quiz "Live with the nature, do not take drugs" for the 2nd form

Santa Claus programme at school - showing a film

Christmas tree - an entertaining show

Valentine´s Day – competitions and games

Hyperikum – 1. place

Organizing school trips, arranging the surroundings of the school and the wallparpers at school.

Football cup "The Headmaster´s Cup"



 Danone Milk League - for the diary product sold we get sport equipment for a certain amount and what is more - children eat healthy diary products.

"Child´s Dream Foundation"project  - Competition for the most hardworking pupil. - we have been working in theis project for the third year now. It is a project of the "Child´s Dream Foundation" the founders of which are Dominik Hrbatý, a world famous tennis player, Roman Volák, a kickbox world champion and Ibrahim Maiga, a singer and actor. The general sponsor is Petrochem s. r. o. The aim of the project is to support and positively influence the education of children. All the pupils of the 1st form competed. The goal was to mativate pupils to learninc during the whole school year. The reward was a walkman, a radio or a discman. Our school was chosen based on the information from the  Ministry of Social Affairs and regions from socially weaker areas were chosen. The competition started in October  2005 and it had 3 periods.

1.      period – September - November 2005

2.      period – January - March 2006

3.      period – April - June 2006

The teachers of the first form evaluated the marks of the children during each period. The pupil that improved his results the most from the beginning to the end of the period got a reward. The reward was given to the pupil in public, pictures were taken that were sent to the foundation and published on our web site.

We continue also this year, we started the evaluation in the first period of this school year.

Robolab- we have been in this project form the 3-th year. We got it through Infovek, we took part in a course and now children make different products, programme them through computers using picture programming and then transmit it to the RCX cube, that is part of the model. We also use the models in lessons. 






©"Aktualizované" dňa 25. 11. 2007
Vargicová, vzelka@pobox.sk