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Subject comitees and methodical associations:


 Methodical association for forms 1. - 4.   – head -  Mgr. Monika Kubelková

members: Mgr. Elena Sélešová, Mgr. Alica Kubelková, , Mgr. Iveta Sojková,   , Csilla Horváthová, , Tunde Kureková, Mgr. Estera Szaboová.

      The methodical association works and meets according to the work plan passed at the beginning of the school year. Meetings are aimed at educational problem analises, evaluating entrance and final tests and obligatory written works, analizing  pupils´evaluation. The association specifies methods and principles for the improvement of results and behaviour of handicapped children,  recomends pupils for special pedagogical or psychological examination, pays attention to integrated pupils with special educational needs - here class teachers cooperate with special pedagogists.   

     The association also deals with the improvement of the quality of lessons and improvement of professional and methodic preparation of teachers. It cooperates with the Kindergarten in Ožďany in planned activities, with the schoolclub of the school, with the parents of the pupils - it organizes "Open days", consulting,  deals with pedagogical edification of parents.

    According to the plan the association furter pays attention to organizing of excursions for pupils that are educationally oriented,  open air schools, swimming course, trips and sports events. The association evaluates the achievements of the 1. grade pupils engaged in literary, science, art or sport competitions.

The association has prepared a plan of modernisation of teaching, supplying new books according to the finance available. As part of school projects it organizes and takes part with pupils in different activities and group works.


Methodical association for special classes and integrated pupils

Head :Mgr. Viera Kišpatková - special pedagogist

členovia: Mgr.Martina Školníková- special pedagogist

                  Mgr. Marek Valkučák

                   Mgr.Vlasta Šinglárová  - PE teacher, teacher in special classes

                   school club teacher - Csilla Horváthová

                   assistent teacher -  Alica Hrušková

                   class teachers of the integrated pupils are invited

 The methodical association was established because of the need of constant cooperation of all teachers of special calsses of our school and teachers of integrated pupils.

   Objectives of the methodical association:

 - education of mentally or other way hancicapped pupils

 - motivation of pupils to acquiring knowledge despite the individual handicaps.

    state of mental abilities, emotional block factor, general health  level,

     social background level , influence of environment

 -  the relationship of teacher and pupil

 - orientation of the teacher to the pupil´s success

 - gradual elimination of failure:  sufficient educational opportunities, social background,

    attention for inconvenient home environment, supporting education from the parent´s part

  - formation of professional and social  responsibility

  Ways of achieving the objectives:

  - individual approach

 - motivation

 - motivating evaluation

 - space for creativity

 - demandingness of the teacher with regards to the  abilities of pupils


 Subject comitee for language teaching – head: Mgr. Judita Hercegová

members: Mgr. Henrieta Bálintová, Mgr. Monika Kubelková, Mgr. Iveta Sojková, Mgr. Natália Nôtová

The subject comitee on its meetings evaluates the educational results in Slovak language and literature and English language. The main tasks are preparing pupils for chosen literary competitions, olimpiads, MONITOR, preparing pupils for entrance exams to secondary schools, cooperation with libraries, modernizing of teaching process with the use of the computer equipment. Members of the comitee will deal with solving problems of badly performing pupils, special attention will be paid to integrated pupils and tallented pupils.


Subject comitee for science – head: Mgr. Soňa Kováčová

 members: Mgr. Natália Nôtová, Mgr. Želmíra Vargicová, Mgr. Katarína Kiráľová

 Main tasks for the school year 2007/2008

1.  Respect the containt and aims of "Curriculum of Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Natural history" from the 1st, September 1997 and the teaching standards for II. grade.     

2.    Design time and thematic plans for individual forms and hand them in for signature.

3. In the evaluation of pupils respect the "Methodical instructions for evaluation and classification of elementary school pupils" from the 1st, September 1994.

4.  Pay attention to the preparation of pupils for a responsible life in a free society in the spirit of understanding, peace, tolerance, equality of sexes, friendship between all nations and religious groups, as it is stated in the "Convention of Children´s Rights"

5. Continue to pay attention to education to marriage and parenthood, so that it becomes an integral part of the education.

6.  Systematic attention should be paid to the realisation of the environmnetal education conception.

7. Systematically work with tallented  pupils, take part in the Maths olimpiad, Pythagoriad, Physics olimpiad, Archimediad and other competitions.

8.   Systematically implement the THV model in the teacher - pupil relationship, apply humanisation and tollerance in the mutual relation. 

9.     Perform entrance tests from Maths, analise errors and deficiencies and based on these takes meassures to elimenate them.

10. According to the directives of the Ministry of Education do the output test from Math.

11. Pay attention to the preparation of the 9. form pupils for entrance tests to secondary schools.

12.  Trimestral written works should be worked out one week before the end of trimestre the latest, analise the errors and deficiencies, evaluate them and compare the results between the classes.

13. Cooperate with the Methodic association of the 1. grade, most of all with the 4. form teacher, to coordinate ther requirements for pupils in the 5. form.

14. Improve computer skills.

15. Use the offers of educational institutions – Methodical  centers.

16. Meeting reports should be written so that they contain clear conclusions, that the members reached.


             Tasks of individual comitee members.

Mrs. Kováčová  –      preparation of 9th form pupils for entrance tests

                               Maths competitions:           MO – forms  5, 8, 9

                                                                       Pythagoriad – forms 5, 8

                                                                         Klokan – forms  6, 7, 8, 9

                                   continuous improvement of computer skills

Mrs. Vargicová –       Maths competitions:           MO – form 7

                                                                        Pythagoriad – form 7

                                                                          Klokan – form 7

                                   Physics competitions – form  7

                                   continuous improvement of computer skills


Mrs. Nôtová –               Chemistry and Natural history competitions – forms 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.

                                   continuous improvement of computer skills



 Subject comitee for socioscientific subjects -  head: Mgr. Henrieta Bálintová

 members: Mgr. Vlasta Šinglárová, Mgr. Elena Sélešová

 The subject comitee works according to the work plan. During the meetings it evaluates the fulfilling of the time and topic plans for Geography and History. It evaluates the results of tests from these subjects, implements new methods and forms of teaching, involves pupils in competitions, organizes educational excursions. It cooperats with other teachers and develops inter - subject relations. 


Subject comitee for educational subjects - head:  Mgr. Vlasta Šinglárová

 members: Mgr. Marek Valkučák, Mgr. Soňa Kováčová, Mgr. Viera Kišpatková, Mgr. Iveta Sojková, Mgr. Katarína Királová, Mgr. Alica Kubelková

The subject comitee works according to its work plan.  In the extra school activities it involves pupils in cultural activities, sport competitions, arranging the interior of the school, art and music competitions and organizing spare time activities in cooperation with the pupils´ assembly and the coordinator of healthy  school. Organizing extra school activities is part of a healthy lifestyle and drug prevention. 






©"Aktualizované" dňa 31. 10. 2007