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30,January, 2006 - 4,February, 2006 - twenty pupils of our school went on a skiing trip. The pupils were staying at the Vesel Hotel at Donovaly. The teacher leading the trip was Mgr. Milada Valková. They had great weather, it was inversion, so in the mountains the weather was wonderfully sunny. On Saturday they watched the Europian Championship of sled dogs.
31, Janury, 2006 - handing out the half term reports in the last lesson, evaluation of results and behaviour in the first term through the school radio by the headmistress of the school.
2, February, 2006 - two pupils accompanied by a teacher took part in the Poetry of the Štúr generation Days in Vyšný Skálnik. They recited poems of that period and thereby contributed to the commemoration of prominents of the period.
3, February,2006 - half-term holidays for the pupils, the teachers are on leave or on alternative leave from overtime. The economist of the school is at work as well as the deputy headmaster.
7, February2006 - Monitor 9 from Maths and Slovak language. Our school had a problem, because the tests had not been sent to us. In the morning Mgr. Kuka from the Regional Board of Education in Banská Bystrica came to our school to dowload the tests from the Internet in time. We thank him for it - this way everything was carried out without problems and keeping the time limits. When filled in, the test were put into an envelope and handed over to a courier on 8th, February in the morning. This situation was not caused by our school, we presented a photocopy of the document proving that we accordingly had sent the documents neccesary for Monitor 9 in time. .
8, February,2006 - visit of Mgr. Soňa Gálová - psychologist at the Children´s Integration Centre in Lučenec. She was invited to our school to carry out the re-diagnostic of pupils in the special classes for handicapped children with the consent of their parents. The willingness of the Children´s Integration Centre to delegate a psychologist was welcome, because this way we managed to reach a 100% rediagnostics, which would not be possible if we asked the parents to visit the Integration Centre with their children.
8, February, 2006 - In the afternoon the matriculation of the 1. form took place. Teachers of the 1. grade prepared it very well and together with the psychologist, who stayed also for the matriculation, stated that all the children were prepared to enter school and can start their school education from the 1st, September 2006 in the 1. form. 11 children came from the kindergarten and 4 from the 0. form. There will be altogether 15 children in the 1. form, and from these probably 2 will be integrated.
14, February, 2006 - Valentine´s Day dance competition - the pupils´ assembly lead by Mrs. Sojková, the teacher leading the assembly, prepared different entertaining dance competitions and also explained some facts about the history of this day. Children had good fun so the headmistress agreed to some extra time off to dance. We had paper Valentine hearts hung all round the hall, where anyone could write in a message to the one he/she liked or loved. We were glad to find also nice messages for the teachers.
27.2. - 3.3.2006 - Enrolment for the 5th form. Children are enrolled for the future 5th form so that we are able to provide for the material and organisational support for the new school year.
6.3. - 10.3.2006 - Spring holidays for our pupils. Teachers are on leave or fullfil agreed assignments. Ms. Judita Hercegová is going to translate the web page of our school into English, the janitor is going to help on the redoing of the school with the workers from the Commune - they are going to rebuild the vapour exhaustion from the kitchen, the economist is going to prepare the wages. The others will be home - the heating will be switched off because we had a big arrears for January and February, we have to economize.
14.3. a 15.3. - pupils who were successful in the school competition, took part in the county competition of the mathematical Pythagoriad. The results will be shown in the chart of the competitions of the school.
15.3. - o 9.30 hod. children from the local kindergarten came to visit us. They took part in a Maths lesson and a Slovak language lesson in the 1st form and were active in the lessons with their first knowledges. They liked school very much and they are already looking forward to September when they become our pupils.
16.3.- during the first two lessons the international competition Mathematical kangaroo took place at our school. A lot of pupils took part in it despite the 40 Sk fee they had to pay, that we send to the organizer of the competition - Exam testing for the administration of the competition. We have taken part in it for several years now and the pupils are happy to compare their knowledges on an international level. The results are given in % and we always have pupils among the best 10%. This year 11 pupils from forms 2. - 4. and 41 pupils from forms 5. - 9. took part.
23.3. - for the first two lessons the 1. grade teachers prepared so called open lessons for parents of children in the joint forms. Parents could see the system of work in the joint 2. and 3. forms during Slovak language, Maths and English language lessons. The pupils were active and occupied during the whole lessons. The classroom work was effectively divided. After the lessons there was a discussion with the parents, who expressed their satisfacion with ther level of teaching and the knowledge of their own children.
23.3. - the boys´ sports team led by Mrs. Milada Valková participated in the regional championship of Street-hockey, where they compared they power and strength with other pupils from all over the region. They did not come first, not even last - they discovered their strong and also weak points and promissed they will work and train even harder.
28.3. - Teachers´Day. In the morning the pupils´ assembly congratulated us on this occasion and they remembered its historical importance. In the afternoon we for the first time had a celebration of this day at the Municipal office with our founder, teachers of the local kindergarten and members of the parents´ assembly.We had lunch together, listened to the speaches of the mayor and the parents who thanked teachers for their work and the headmistress of the school proposed for the good relationship and cooperation of all.
4.4. - Educational concert. At 11 o´clock all the pupils went to the Cultural centre in Ožďany where we had the chance to listen to the nice tones of a violine and recordings of music with other stringed instruments. It was an addition to music lessons and they could listen to live music.
5.4. Coca Cola tournament. At our school we organized a regional tournament of football supported by Coca Cola.There were two teams from Rimavská Sobota from elementary schools ZŠ M. Tompu and ZŠ Š.M. Daxnera and our team. The winner - the team of ZŠ M. Tompu proceeds to the county tournament.
7.4. - 11.4. Swimming course of 1st grade pupils. It took place in the beautiful environment of Teplý Vrch at the Environmental Educatio Centre Drienok. 28 pupils from classes 2 to 5 and 3 teachers took part in it. The aim was to teach pupils the bases of swimming - merging, orientation in the water, diving and the bases of breast stroke. The teachers organized water games and competitions at the end. The aim was reached - those who had not been able to swim before learnt it and swimmers improved their skills.
20.4. - 22.4. Enviromental stay of 2nd grade pupils in the Environmental Education Centre Drienok in Teplý Vrch. 28 pupils took part. They went hiking guided by Ms. Ružičková from the Slovak Environmental Associationon the Drienčansky kras path. They took part in interesting activities as horse riding, swimming in an indoors swimming pool, tennis, table tennis, football. These were relaxing activities after enviro - workshop works. They returned from the stay satisfied, full of energy from the beautiful and healthy nature.
2.5. - Child´s Dream Project - the evaluation of the 2. cycle fo the " most hard-working" pupil. This competition concerns pupils of 1st grade. This time the winner was Lucia Véghová from the 4th form, who improved her school results during the period from January to March the most of all.
5.5. - The 50th birthday of our colleague Vlasta Šinglárová, who has been working at our school for 27 years. The party was in Taverna in Rimavská Sobota. All employees were invited, we had a great time untill late at nigh. We thank to our colleague for the nice time and we wish her a long pleasant life both at home and at work.
13.5. - Venček - the first ball- it is the end of the dance course for pupils of 8th and 9th forms. It started with the rehearsal at 4 p. m. where the stage fright of the dancers could be seen. But later when the show began in front of the teachers and parents none of it was left. There were three parts: standard dances, latin-american dances and modern dances. There were teachers´dance and parents´dance in between. Then there were also some entertaining competitions and games and a presentation of professional dancers. Everybody had a great time untill early morning and the children felt sorry to say goodbye to their dance teacher.
15.5. - Regional Jednota Football Cup - boys from 3rd and 4th form took part and won 1st prize and proceed to the county cup.Ms. Milada Valková was their trainer.
19.5. - The 50th birthday of our colleague Soňa Kováčová. The celebration took part a little later, because the day of her birthday was the same day as the first ball. During the ball her pupils congratulated her on this occasion. The birthday party was very good and we all had a great time there.
25.5. - Rehearsal - čardáš - the folk dance which we chose to show our partner schools in Turkey. Pupils of the 9th form: Radovan Séleš, Matej Berecz, Andrea Bukovská, Janka Doroková and teachers Judita Hercegová, Milada Valková are flying on the 29 May to the capital of Turkey, Ankara. They will visit our partner school together with other 5 partner delegations working on a Socrates/Comenius project. All countries will present their folk dances. We wish them a nice stay and a happy return and we are looking forward to them telling us abut their experience.
26. 5. - Hypericum - an environmental competition at the Environmental Educational Centre Drienok in Teplý Vrch. 9 schools from our region took part, the pupils competed in 5 different topics - recognition of trees, animals, environment protection, history of the region and questions about Drienčanský kras. The pupils had to learn a lot of information in these fields but our team was very successful - R. Séleš , A. Bukovská and V. Laliová won the 1st prize led by Ms.N. Nôtovej and they proceed to the national competition. We wish them good luck there!
1.6. - International Children´s Day. The pupils´assembly led by the presenter couple of Ms. Monika Kubelková and Iveta Sojková pripravili prepared a great show with and for pupils of all forms where everyone who wantd could show their tallent. There were different genres - poems, short plays, songs, modern dances and folk dancing. The show took place in the morning at the Cultural Centre in Ožďany. We had fun and after the show there was a disco. Activities like this are very beneficial because all pupils can show what they are able to do even if they are not so active at school. We thank the 9th form pupils for their help organizing the activity.
Project Socrates – Comenius 1 – from 29 May to 3 June we took part in a project meeting in Ankara, capital of Turkey. The programme was planned as to learn about the culture, traditions and the history of the country. We, the pupils, stayed in families, which helped us get an even better insight into everyday life - customs, food, family relations and to see how they differ from ours.
We had the chance to visit many beautiful and interesting places: Cappadocia region, where we visited a town under the earth and saw a lot of incredible natural formations, museum of a village in Beypazari, Atatürk Mausoleum, a mosq and many others.We tried the typical Turkish kebab. We left Ankara we wonderful experience of the time we spent with our new friends we found amongst the pupils of the Turkish school but also amongst pupils from Italy, Poland, Latvia.
The most interesting pictures can be seen in the Photogallery, part Comenius.
13.6. - Regional competition "Young rescuers of civil protection" - 4 pupils of 8th form took part led by Ms. Vlasta Šinglárová. They did very well, they showed theorethical knowledge and practical skills in different disciplines. They came 3rd. Congratulations!
22.6. - Child´s Dream Project - results of the 3rd period of the competition for "The most hard working pupil", a competition for children of 1st grade. The winner was a pupil from the 4th form Katka Hrušková who improved her school results the most.
27.6. - A trip to Kováčová - pupils from the 2nd grade and teachers Sélešová, Hercegová and Nôtová went on a trip to Kováčová. At the termal swimming pool having a beautiful sunny weather they couls swim, sunbathe and actively relax. This day was a good reward for their work during the school year.
28.6.- Protection of people and nature - during this sport and national defence education day the pupils moved from school to the hill where the castle stands. Their they fulfilled different tasks.They worked in teams and in the end the best teams were rewarded.
29.6. - "The Headmaster´s Cup" football tournament - pupils of our school every year look forward to this day and want to win this cup for a year. A schedule is made so every team can compete and the results are usually surprising.
30.6. - The end of the school year- the last day of the school year is usually the saddest for the pupils of the 9th form, because they are leaving the school after 9 years. The rest of the pupils look forward to the holidays.
©"Aktualizované" dňa
19. 11. 2006