Variants of the curriculum
Orientation of the school / Variants of the curriculum / Our location, contacts
At out school we teach in these variants:
1. 1.grade - Variant 3 - language - English language from the 3rd form obligatory, and also in the 1st and 2nd forms optionally.In the 0. form we teach according to the methodical rules of Phare.
2. 2.grade - Variant 2 - it sets the distribution of science subjects in the total nuýmber of lessons We support science subjects - Informational technology in alternation with Practicum of physics, chemistry and natural history.
3. Special classes for mentally disabled pupils - in these we teach according to Variant A,niektorí prechádzajú po špecialno - pedagogickom vyšetrení do variantu B.
4. Integrated pupils in general classes - pupils with learning disorders have special learning plans according to the level of the disorder, one pupil is taught in accordance with the learning plans of special classes Variant B and five pupil Variant A.
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10. 11. 2006