Activities of the school and the founder of the school
The founder of the Elementary school in Ožďany is the Commune of Ožďany from 1, July, 2002. This period convinced us that it is more convenient to belong to the Commune of Ožďany than to the district authorities. There is a direct relationship and the common interest to keep the school in the village on a good level. A common law has been settled that the management of the school and the teachers pursue the quality of the educational process, wide range of free time activities, taking part in projects, by which we acquire extra financial support, and also the good relationship between the employees and pupils. The culture of our school is based on mutual confidence, tolerance and everybody knows that he is expected to fulfill his tasks consistently and carry out activities according to his skills for the benefit of the school and its pupils. We think that this results in the contentment of us all ; simply said we are a good team and help each other even in case of difficulties at work.
Our founder, lead by the present major Mr. Ján Ďurčak, provides us with favourable conditions for educating children within his limits. In 2002 we lost a building where we had classes for forms 1. - 4. and Technology classes, as they were in a separate building that used to belong to the Church and it claimed it back in restitution. The Commune helped us to create new places for education by rebuilding the school canteen and they also built a communal gym, where we have PE lessons till today. We cannot imagine what would have happened, where would we have taught, if it were not for the activities of the municipal authorities. In the following years inner spaces were re-done, an multifunctional playground was built. One part of the budget came from project, the other part from the Commune. In 2005, thanks to our founder and our cooperation, we had the whole school painted, includind the window frames, new doors and floors. We had also changing rooms constructed, where pupils change their shoes. In the autumne of 2005 the Commune of Ožďany, after a long administration process, acquirred money for the reconstruction of roofs, so by the end of the year we had our roofs reconstructed and we finally do not have problems with leaking. At the same time building of a new floor under the roof was started, as we do not have sufficient place for teaching. Our aim in this year is to finish the new spaces as much as possible, so that we can start to use them for teaching as soon as possible. The school also handed in a project through the European Community projects, where we would like to acquire money to establish a Science laboratory and a Language laboratory and thereby improve the quality of education in these subjects. The projekt is aimed at " Project teaching for the pupils of 9.form", in that we want to use new teaching methods and forms to teach pupils practically use the acquirred knowledge. Projekt cez EÚ sme v roku 2006 nedostali a preto musíme hľadať iné zdroje na dobudovanie priestorov školy.
May 2006: Our founder acquirred money to add new classrooms in the attick and to isolate the building. We are looking forward to using the new classes and special laboratories in the new school year. You can see the process of reconstruction and the final work in pictures.
September 2006: We moved in to the new rooms in the attick. There are two new classrooms for the 7th and 8th forms, a new teachers´ room, the office of the carreers advisor and special pedagogoue, a separate office for the school economist, a classroom for the language laboratory that we acquirred through a project and a room for a science laboratory which will have to be finished depending on finance. We are thankful to our founder for the new premises. This school year we equipped also an internet library, we acquirred money for it as a grant from the Ministry of education.
September 2007: With the money saved we, helped by our founder, gradually finished the science laboratory. We started teaching in it from the 1st September 2007 - Physics, Chemistry, Natural Science. Depending on our sources we will improve the equipment of the classroom. In October 2007 we were able to buy voltage changers from 3V to 12V for each desk. This way we can save money for a lot of bateries that we had to buy and they did not last long. We could also buy some equipment according to the needs of teachers, because a lot of things we have are really old. We had money saved on heating after isolating the building last year.
November 2007: In cooperation with our founder we changed the windows on the western side for plastic windows. This side was in the worst condition and it was the coldest part. We changed 12 windows.
April 2008: Modernisation of the school kitchen - buying two gas cookers and making gas distribution system to decrease the electricity usage. We will see the result in February when stating the account.
August 2008: We changed another 26 windows for plastic windows on the eastern side of the building - on the ground floor for the 1st form and on the 1st floor for the 2nd form and in the computer room. After that we had to order blinds for these windows because it is the sunny side of the building and the sunshine sometimes disturbed. Next week we will have to change the windows in the canteen and in one more classroom.
October 2008: Another modernisation of the kitchen, buying a dishwasher to save on labour, sets of couloured boards and knives to keep to the HCCP programme.
©"Aktualizované" dňa
23. 11. 2008